Our vision as a church is to see lives transformed by the saving power of Christ, and to follow his example in living a life of worship, in community, and on mission. This starts with a desire to impact our local community of Clear Spring, but also the wider area of Washington County.
Christ: We believe that Jesus Christ is the head of the body, the Church, and that He exercises his authority in each local church by the Holy Spirit and through the Scriptures.
Church: Each local church is in itself a complete church, and is called to worship collectively and release it’s members to worship individually. We believe that the local church possesses all the rights and responsibilities of the Church as bestowed upon it by the Holy Spirit and set forth in God’s Word.
Saving Power: We believe there is only one way to salvation – through Jesus Christ.
Lives Transformed: We believe that the mission of the Church is to spread the Good News of the Gospel of salvation in every word and deed.
St Paul’s Reformed Church is a network member of the Evangelical Association of Reformed and Congregational Churches.